False Abuse Claims
False Statements and Affidavits

Addison is a Beautiful 7 YO girl who was taken  away from her family by a very disturbed, evil and selfish person who used fraud and deceit to kidnap the child away from her father and home after he suffered a life threatening stroke.

A person who fraudulently claimed she had an incurable disease for 7 years so she could be taken care of without having to do any work. Someone who refuses to get help for their psychotic and pathalogical behavior that frequently causes harm to her child and others and puts them in danger.

Why does Addison need saving?

Addison’s mother has exploited systemic biases to gain custody of her daughter through false accusations and manipulation. Despite clear evidence clearing Addison’s father of wrongdoing, child welfare agencies and the courts continue to ignore the truth. The father’s brown skin, combined with stereotypes about race and a prejudiced system, has worked against him at every step.
There are multiple investigations against the mother. Despite Law Enforcement requests, multiple court orders and out of state agencies asking Berkely County WV CPS has refused to assist and in fact is actively hindering these efforts. Even from their own Sheriff!
Addison deserves to grow up in a safe, loving environment surrounded by her father, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends who would provide her with the love and support she desperately needs.

How bad is West Virginia Child Welfare and the Family Court System in West Virginia?

The child welfare and family court system in West Virginia has failed Addison in numerous ways, just as it has failed countless other children. Multiple credible sources, including social workers, Addison’s therapists, law enforcement, and even Addison herself, have reported the dangers posed by her mother, yet the West Virginia CPS has refused to intervene. In fact, their inaction has actively prevented further investigation by law enforcement. The lack of oversight, accountability, and proper training has allowed corruption and bias to dominate, leaving Addison trapped in an emotionally abusive situation.

Never mind the mother has  got busted in MD several times with  coaching and weaponizing the child not to mention lying over 250 times.. Nevermind a 5 minute call to the child’s therapist or the Father’s doctor would get the truth they’d rather spend 100s of hours helping an abusive white woman hurt her child forever than let a loving  father spend a day with her. So they made sure to take  Thanksgiving, Christmas and her Birthday with her Father, Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles, Cousins and Friends, No Due Process, No Lawyer No Civil Rights in WV just  apparently Corruption and Predjudice.

Quite frankly  WV CPS is the absolute worst in the country and their whole system is corrupt, racist and predjudicial.CPS workers have immunity so they can do what ever they want with no consequence. The supervision and oversight is a complete joke. When they saw a white woman going against a brown man they rushed in to help every way they can. legal or otherwise. The evidence speaks for itself. They spent 25 minutes on 1 day talking to the father and ignored the 4 referrals against the mother. They then closed the investigation immediately weithout looking atr any evidence.

They spent  9 months and hundreds of hours helping the woman at the expense of the child’s well being. they filed a report against the father in May in MD without even talking tohim  or the rest of Addie’s family or her doctor  or her therapist. The worker in this case is Abigail Nester –   no degree in social work, no certifications, no work or child expereience whose resume says her greatest responsibility was as a hall monitor and pool attendant. A hairdresser in WV needs much more training than a CPS Worker.

Taking Action

Addison’s father has spent over $250,000 of his life savings on legal fees in his fight for justice. He has reached out to every official who might listen, but the fight is far from over. As a father on disability, he is now out of resources but refuses to give up. He needs your help.

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