How Child Protective Services Messed Up and Gave Full Control to An Abuser

Simple fact checking,  investigation and plain old common sense would have resolved this long ago but the family court system and child welfare in WV particular is  and still counting. The system simply is overloaded based on faith and puts no time in seeking the truth so the the more you lie and the bigger the lie the more you get rewarded.

After 3 years of lying and being caught in her lies by custody evaluators, judges and law enforcement One lie about sexual abuse with zero supporting evidence to a 24 yo predjudiced and gullible CPS worker named Abigail Nester  with no degree in social work, no certification, no work or child expereience whose resume says her greatest responsibility was as a hall monitor and pool attendant can take the sole parent that was consistently in their daughter’s life and kept her safe during her mother’s panic attacks and psychotic episodes.

In 2017 During one of these psycotic episodes she said. “You go ahead and try and take Addie from me Im just a little blond girl. Your a big angry brown man. Who are they going to beleive?”

Apparently acting scared of a paralized brown man in a wheelchair is all it takes tolegally kidnap and get custody of a child forever.

it doesn’t matter that mom is a cumpulsive serial liar and dad has a top secret clearance and took a polygraph. A man with zero  history of abuse or violence just service in the community. It doesn’t matter that mom works at her school and has been making the child tell stories about dad for 2 years. All they see is the big angry brown man and refuse to listen anything he or his attorneys has to say or show.

A supposed overworked, understaffed dept in crisis dedicated countless hours every week across 8 months once they heard a white woman was accusing a minority of sexual abuse they all rushed to help never even trying to listen to the child herself and her signs of distress around mom. Instead they handed the child to her abuser who proceeded to confine her,, switch therapists, cancel dr appointments never letting her out of her sight and prevent her have the life of the extrovert she is she once enjoyed depriving her of her liberty, the company of her family and the pursuit of happiness. They filed a report to remove the father from his daughter’s life without checking the mother’s background or history. They didn’t even talk or see him at all. If they did then they might have noticed that all the evidence contradicts the story being presented. That they are accusing a man partially paralized from his stroke of a sexual fondling act he physically can not possibly do! There is also overwhelming evidence that he is innocent which is why law enforcement made a referral and he got a court ordered investigation which WV CPS proceeded to ignore.

Now they are in Cover Up Mode trying to deny and Bury the evidence which is why I will be posting some of it here