First Referral from Sept 26 Petition
May 5th 2024 Against Mother (From Father) – well before any court actionsor investigatioms. Last overnight was April 7. Mother witheld all court ordered visitation starting April 18. The Anniversary of last year when she witheld for 2 months when Father was in a wheelchair recovering from a stroke.
- Father reported starting in Feb daughter started asking to shower with Dad out of nowhere. had never asked previously. as a precaution he then staryted wearing swimming trunks in Shower.
- On April 21 on a court mandated video phone call (day before Forensic Interview in MD) the exhbited extreme sexualized behavior on the call and said mommy showed her how to touch herself.
- Referral discloses Mother has abused the child abuse system previously by having her child tell false stories to her co-workers at school who are mandatory reporters since April 2023.
- Referral states child has told Father of Mother’s actions telling her what to say to custody evaluators, teachers and CPS workers as interrogations after visits and instructing her to pretend to be sick to avoid his phone calls.
- Referral states Father suspects Mother of escalatinng False stories of abuse to a sexual nature due to child’s actions on call.
- Law enforcement notified and meeting ID provided for them to investigate.
There was a previous referral against Mom on April 19 in Jefferson County on 4/18/2024
June 21, 2024 from Law Enforcement- Berkeley County Sheriff’s Office
- On April 13 The Mother allegedly instructed the child to to push her disabled Father several times causing him to fall at a school event
- The Mother is in active violation of a custody order from MD
- The child has told her teachers and others she was sexually abused by her father at the behest of the mother
- Mont cty investigated the alleged sex abuse by the father but did not find any corraborating evidence.
- May 8. Mr Thomas got a temp Protective Order giving him temp custody until May 30.
- The Mother is allegedly not providing proper nuitrition and not treating the child’s chronic constipation. The child is allegedly only having 1-2 bowel movements a week.
- On April 21 the child allegedly performed a sexual act on a video call. The act was taught to her by her mother in preperation for a forensic interview.
- The mother has been making the child tell these false stories to support her getting custody and traumatizing the child for temporary protection orders in MD and West VA since April 2023.
On May 22 Referral fom WVA Temp PO (This PO was dismissed by Judge Matchat on May 24)
-child takes showers with father
-child has began touching herself at home and school
-Mom says Child said daddy touched her
May 8 against Mother – MD temp Protective Order Judge issuesd CPS Investigation.