Child Abuse Information from the US Department of Justice

Dept of Justice survey of CPS Workers for children 6-13 says that they beleive 5 % of sex abuse Allegations are True

whereas 8% they beleive are completely False almost double.

55% are retracted by child

48% lack of credibility of Child

Report is improbable, Lack of Details

Report Inconsistencies Conflicts with Evidence

17% Failure of Others to Collaborate

14% Credibility of Alleged Abuser

14% – Lack of Fear of alleged Abuser from child

7% ABSENCE OF Physical Evidence

7% Polygraph test results

26% Not Persuasive enough

22% Child admits to coahing

11% Not enough details

8% Inconsistencies

5% evidence doesnt collborate story

2% Adult admits to coaching

When Alienation is present with claims of abuse Judges are 4x more likly to disbelieve the abuse claims.

When Alienation is present with Allegations of Physical and Sexual abuse judges  almost always  disbeleive abuse claims.